Quick start

Semaphore has been tested with Node 11.14.0 and Node 12 LTE. Use nvm to manage your Node version.

Clone this repository, install dependencies, and build the source code:

git clone git@github.com:kobigurk/semaphore.git && \
cd semaphore && \
npm i && \
npm run bootstrap && \
npm run build

Next, either download the compiled zk-SNARK circuit, proving key, and verification key (note that these keys are for testing purposes, and not for production, as there is no certainty that the toxic waste was securely discarded).

To download the circuit, proving key, and verification key, run:

# Start from the base directory

cd circuits && \

To generate the above files locally instead, run:

# Start from the base directory

cd circuits && \

This process should take about 45 minutes.

Build the Solidity contracts (you need solc v 0.5.12 installed in your $PATH):

# Start from the base directory

cd contracts && \
npm run compileSol

Run tests while still in the contracts/ directory:

# The first command tests the Merkle tree contract and the second
# tests the Semaphore contract

npm run test-semaphore && \ 
npm run test-mt